Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fresh Artisan Bread

I love, love, love good bread. I miss the bread from il Fornaio in Rome. So one of my goals is to start making some really good bread. I have made traditional baguettes which take forever and really did not taste better than the ones I could pick up from our local super market. I also just really don't have that kind of time. But then I found something that is taking the foodie blog world by storm and that is Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. I ordered my book last week but just could not wait so I scoured the Internet for the recipe for their master loaf and one of the co-authors had it on this site (I will let you visit that site for the recipe and directions).I made the dough last night and it did only take me 5 minutes and I baked two loaves tonight after work. This is a time commitment I'm willing to make! So I literally just took my first bite and I must say I'm VERY impressed. The crust is crisp yet chewy with an open and moist crumb. I really can't wait for my book to arrive now. Stay tuned, there will be much more bread to come!


  1. Yay I'm ready for your bread recipes too!! -Meg

  2. oooh, it looks really good. I'm looking forward to seeing what breads you make.

  3. Krystal, I love your blog! I love having another excellent resource for good Lenten recipes. Thanks!
    Sandi M.

  4. Your loaf is gorgeous! I saw it on Tastespotting and was so excited to see it was from ABin5!

    Thank you, Zoë Francois (co-author ABin5)

    you can come to www.artisanbreadinfive.com for any questions you may have.
